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發表於 2021-3-29 18:48:56 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式

A new Northwestern University study published in the Journal of the Royal Society Interface found that those who actively engage in such online co妹妹unities lost a higher percentage of their body weight compared to users who participated sparingly。


Scientists analyzed data from people paying a membership fee on CalorieKing.com, which grants them access to weight-loss tools (like a food journal) and an online forum. While the identity of each user remained anonymous, the researchers had access to age, gender, height, initial weight and time-stamped activities. They could also monitor members' recorded weigh-ins, friend requests and co妹妹unity engagement, though they could not read any of the actual conversations between users。


The researchers found that the users who recorded their weight and engaged with other members were more likely to achieve their goals of shedding pounds. The most active users lost more than 8 percent of their body weight in a s治療禿頭產品,ix month period. The least active users, t燒燙傷處理方法,hose with the fewest online friends and social interactions, lost around 5 percent of their body weight in the same span of time. The researchers theorize that engagement plays a key role in weight loss because it offers an always-accessible network of support。

钻研职員發明,那些记实体重、與其它成員互動的用户完成减轻体重方针的可能性更大。最活泼的用户在6个月内减轻的重量大于本身重量的8%。最不活泼的、只有很少收集朋侪和社交互動的用户在一样的時候内隱適美, 减轻的重量约莫只有本身重量的5%。钻研职員推论,介入在减肥中起着關头性的感化,由于它供给了一个永久开放的收集支撑。

They're also looking ahead: The positive results point to plausible uses for social networks in other areas of health. Online co妹妹unities might be successful alternatives for ailments like depression and alcoholism, for which in-person meetings are often suggested. "Modern life is so complex and stressful, to go somewhere for a meeting is often not practical," Luís A. Nunes Amaral, senior author of the study, said in a statement. "It is hopeful that this alternative approach, of going online for support, could work."

他们一样也展百家樂,望将来:踊跃的成果表白在康健的其它范畴也能够公道利用社交收集。收集社區多是一些疾病的乐成的替换方案,比方抑郁症和酗酒,对付這些人凡是建议暗里碰头。這个钻研的第一作者路易斯·A·努内斯· 阿尔拉玛在一份声明中说,“現代糊口如斯繁杂、布满压力,去此外处所碰头凡是不太現实。這个替换方案是有但愿的,在收集上追求帮忙可能會有效。”

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