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當發现自己养育了21年的孩子其实其实不是亲生子今后,55岁的Ric割雙眼皮,hard Mason感受自己的人生“被毁了”。

圖via Daily Mail

《每日邮报》 1月5日這则動静的主人公叫Richard Mason 现年55岁,是一個比价網站的连系創始人。

Mason向媒體讲述了他懂得真相时的心碎:他無法生育 ,而他深爱的三個兒子不是亲生兒子 。

Richard Mason、前妻和他们的三個兒子 圖 via Daily Mail

2016年的时候,他被診断出患了囊肿性纤维化(cystic fibrosis) 。這是一种遗傳性疾病,患者無法自然怀孕生育 。可是,Mason明明已和前妻Kate,现年54岁,生了三個兒子了。

Mason随即提起诉讼,状告Kate在亲子關系上的坑骗行為 。而在之前离异协按时,Mason曾一次性付给Kate400万英镑(3495.48万人民币)费用 ,后续還供应過一些孩子的抚养费。


Now Richard Mason’s ex-wife has been ordered to pay him£250,000 following an extraordinary legal case that has allowed her tokeep the identity of the real father a secret .

如今,Richard Mason的前妻被判付给Mason25万英镑抵偿,同时可以不公開孩子生父的身份 。

DNA and other tests later confirmed beyond doubt that the businessman hasno biological link to his eldest, now 23, and his 19-year-old twins, throwing his life – and his relationship with them – into turmoil.

DNA检测和其他检测都证实,Richard Mason與他的三個兒子——23岁的大兒子和19岁的双胞胎兒子——没有血缘關系 。他的生活和他和兒子们的關系遭到了毁灭性的打击。

文章提到,Mason猜忌他的前妻Kate曾在90年代时,断断续续和同一個男人连结了四年的婚外情 。 Kate是直到2016年Mason质疑孩子的身份时才承認自己有過婚外情,而那时候他们二人已离异10年了。

It is not known if Mrs Mason’s former lover is aware he has three sons from the on-off relationship.


The heart-wrenching case came to light when Mr Mason launched a legal bid to claw back some of the £4 million his wife received in their divorce settlement, as w台北免留車,ell as suing her for paternity fraud. As a result,two of the boys have since broken off contact with him.

Mason向法院提起诉讼,哀求前妻归還离异时他付给她的400万英镑赡养费,并且起诉她举辦亲子坑骗。功效,两個兒子就與他断了联系 ,這件变乱也随之曝光。

因為這件事,Mason的生活和精神状况都發生了极大的变化 。

“You don’t know what’s real and what isn’t – it’s as if I’m living in The Matrix,’ he said. ‘Someone says to you, “All that you know and everything you thought to be solid and true is not real, and never did exist. You are not a father, you are not able to have kids, your name will not continue. ”

他说:“你不懂得什麼是真,什麼是假,我就像是生活在《黑客帝國》那样虚拟的世界里,有人告诉你:你所有懂得的,和你所以為是真的变乱,其实都是假的,从来不存在的。你根柢没有孩子,你也没辦法有孩子,也没有人给你傳宗接代。 ”

“I still see what the boys are doing on Facebook and it’s heart-wrenching because we saw the graduation of the eldest on there, but I wasn’t invited.”


圖 via Daily Mail




The three boys wer高雄機車借款,e, Richard believes,the only good things to come out of a marriage he describes as ‘cold and joyless’ .

Mason感受對他来说,這三個孩子是他這段淡漠而無趣的婚姻中唯一的美好的处所 。

The divorce was finalised in early 2008 and, in the financial settlement a year later, Kate’s £4 million lump sum included the boys’ private school fees in advance.


Richard complied with Child Support Agency (later the Child Maintenance Service) assessments for maintenance, which amounted to nearly £3,000 a month in the early years following their divorce.


但据Mason描述,Kate并未止步于此。 他说,Ka乾癬藥膏,te纠缠了他好几年,專門顾了咨询師去盘問造访他的收入状况 ,想讓他多掏點錢。

“Meanwhile, the biological father hasnever paid a penny as far as I know.”

“同时,据我所知,孩子的亲生父亲一毛錢也没掏過 。”


Kate now lives very comfortablyin a £1 million seven-bedroom housein Uttoxeter, Staffordshire, with a new partner and, when Richard last visited to pick up the boys, there werefour cars in the long driveway, including a Range Rover Vogue and a C Class Mercedes Cabriolet.

Kate现在和她新的朋侪悠哉地住在英國斯塔福德郡尤托克西特一間价值1百万英镑的房子 里,房子有7間卧室。上次Richard去接孩子时,在他们的长长的私人車道上看到了四辆車 ,包括一辆陸虎和一辆奔驰敞篷車。

更令他崩溃的是孩子的反应 。

“My eldest told me,“Dad, if you sue Mum, I will never speak to you again” – and he hasn’t.”

“我的大兒子告诉我:爸爸,如果你起诉妈妈,我就不會再和你说话了。 而且他真的再也不理我了。”

One of his twins hasn’t been in touch either, but the other – now at university – texts Richard fairly regularly. But, as Richard pointed out, the emotional fallout has gone way beyond himself and the boys.



但他仍想懂得孩子的 生父 是谁。

“I would like the biological father to read this article and come forward,’ he said. ‘Not least for the boys’ sake because they will want to know who their real father is, even ifhopefully they will always think of me as their dad .”

“我希望孩子的生父能看到這篇文章并且站出来,不只是為了孩子,因為他们也想懂得亲生父亲是谁。我也希望他们仍然把我當作他们的爸爸 ,” Mason说。



“Dr Wat said he was aware that we’d been trying for a baby and considering fertility treatment and added, “I need to tell you that men with cystic fibrosis cannot conceive a child unless it’s by IVF.”


Richard is most bitter that Kate’s deception over the boys’ paternity has also effectivelyrobbed him of having his own child with Emma .

Kate的欺骗行為,也讓他失了與Emma生育自己的孩子的機會 。

Only a few weeks after Richard learned that he was infertile, Emma, now 46, received her cancer diagnosis and began a course of chemotherapy which put her body into a premature menopause.

在知晓他無法生育几周后,46岁的Emma開始了癌症化療,已经過早绝经,無法生育 。


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